
A Message from Joshua: Join Our Journey Towards Authentic Faith

Journey | goChrist

Dear Friend,

I hope this message finds you seeking, questioning, or perhaps just curious about the depth of life and faith. I'm Joshua, one of the many voices behind goChrist, and I'm reaching out to share something close to my heart — a movement that's more than just a website or a collection of ideas. It's about a genuine journey back to the essence of what it means to follow Christ, especially in these challenging times.

At goChrist, we're navigating through what many refer to as the "last days," a period marked not just by challenges, but by an incredible opportunity for growth, discipleship, and mentorship. We believe in the transformative power of returning to the roots of our faith, in the profound strength found in fellowship, and in the critical importance of guiding one another as we walk this path together.

Our mission is straightforward yet profound: to awaken hearts to the truth of the Gospel, to encourage repentance that leads to real transformation, and to guide each other in a return to living a life that truly reflects Christ's love and teachings. It's about getting back to the basics of faith, fellowship, focus, and fortitude, and I'm inviting you — yes, you — to be a part of this!

While our message often leans into the male perspective, reflecting on the unique challenges and roles men face in their spiritual journey, we warmly welcome anyone who feels a stir in their heart to join us. We believe that everyone has a place in this conversation, and your voice, your experience, and your faith journey are invaluable to this community.

So, what's next? How do you fit into all of this?

We're on the brink of launching a series of resources, discussions, and gatherings (both virtual and in-person) designed to deepen our understanding, strengthen our faith, and expand our community. But to make sure you don't miss out on any of this, we need you to take a simple but significant step: sign up to be notified as we release new content. By joining our mailing list, you'll be the first to know about the latest teachings, events, and opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals on this journey.

Sign Up Now to Join Us & Experience the Journey!

This isn't just about subscribing to another newsletter. It's an invitation to be part of a movement that seeks to make a tangible difference in our lives and the world around us, guided by the timeless truths of Scripture and the life-changing message of Yeshua, Jesus, the Christ.

Thank you for considering this journey with us. Together, we can face these "last days" with hope, courage, and a commitment to grow not just in our faith but in our ability to impact the world for the better.

In Christ,

Joshua Alan Jones

Joshua Alan Jones

Apostle of goChrist


Founder of TUPOS
Creator of Men's Weekly

P.S. Remember, this journey is about walking together, supporting each other, and growing in our understanding and application of our faith. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of something truly life-changing. Sign up now, and let's embark on this journey together!

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